Conference FAQs

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Conference FAQs2023-04-02T17:44:49-05:00
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When does registration for the Conference open?2022-01-30T00:18:07-06:00
  • Although it can vary, registration for the Conference typically begins in early April of each year.
How much does registration for the Midwest Conference on Problem Gambling and Substance Abuse cost?2024-03-30T13:24:27-05:00
  • The cost of the Midwest Conference depends on when attendees register and if they are attending with a scholarship. See the chart below.
Type of Registration Early Bird Rate 

(through May 17, 2024)
Regular Rate 

(available May 18-June 18, 2024)
Column 4
Full Conference Registration  $325 $350 Column 4 Value
Student Registration  $225 $250 Column 4 Value 2
One-Day Registration  $125 $150 Column 4 Value 3
When is the early bird deadline?2024-03-30T13:25:22-05:00

The deadline to register and receive the early bird discount is Friday, May 17, 2024.

Will the conference be offered in-person this year?2024-03-30T13:25:52-05:00

Yes, we will be completely in-person this year! We are looking forward to seeing everyone.

Are scholarships available for attendees?2023-04-03T02:28:01-05:00

Each state in the Conference’s recognized five-state region – Kansas, Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska, and Oklahoma – typically offer a limited supply of state-sponsored scholarships.

Contact your state’s representative to inquire about the scholarship. For more information, contact Ronnie Wahkinney at

If you are new to the field of disordered gambling (less than three years), you could be chosen to receive the Joanna Franklin Scholarship, which waives the cost of Conference registration. Information about the scholarship can be found at the Scholarship tab. To be considered, applications and supporting documents must be received by April 15, 2023 at 5:00 pm CST.

Will I earn Continuing Education Units by attending the Conference?2022-01-30T00:32:00-06:00

The Conference offers up to 15 hours of Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for professionals working with problem gambling and substance use disorders. Each attendee will be required to scan their name badge as they enter a presentation and again when exiting a presentation. As long as the attendee has participated in 85% of the presentation, a credit will be awarded.

When each attendee enters and exits a presentation, we will track the minutes attended. If an attendee attends 90% of the presentation, they will receive credit for their attendance.

After the conference, the conference planners will email an official certificate of attendance to all participants with at least a presentation attended. This certificate will be emailed to the email address used on your online registration and will include a list of the presentations attended. Please allow at least two weeks to receive this certificate.

What is the cancellation policy?2024-03-30T13:26:26-05:00

All cancellations must be in writing and postmarked by May 17, 2024. Cancellations postmarked prior to May 20 will be refunded less a $50 processing fee. After May 17, 2024, we will be unable to offer a refund, but substitutions will be allowed. Charges will be incurred for all checks with insufficient funds.

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