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Prospective Supporter:

The Midwest Consortium on Problem Gambling and Substance Abuse (MCPGSA) invites you to participate as an exhibitor and/or sponsor at the 22nd Annual Midwest Conference on Problem Gambling and Substance Abuse, which is scheduled for June 18-20, 2025. The conference will be held in person this year and we are looking forward to a celebration of 22 years. The conference will be held at the Kansas City Marriott Country Club Plaza.

The three-day, multi-state training event is the result of the planning efforts of the MCPGSA, a volunteer committee comprised of addiction specialists, problem gambling program coordinators and organizations throughout a five-state region – Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and Oklahoma. The regional conference features more than fourteen continuing education units (CEUs) provided by problem gambling, substance abuse, and co-occurring disorders experts. Last year, more than a hundred individuals attended the conference from throughout the country.

MCPGSA is a non-profit entity that relies solely on sponsorships and contributions to host the annual conference. All MCPGSA members are volunteers who donate their time, expertise, and services to bring the conference to life. The planning committee has kept conference costs low in an effort to help attendees participate in the event more easily.

The MCPGSA planning committee is working to secure sponsorships early. This year, we have restructured our sponsorship options to better serve the Conference and give supporters more opportunities to directly engage with Conference attendees. In doing so, you can choose which sponsorship level is best suited to your organization’s interests and combine various levels to have a lasting impact on the Conference and its attendees.

Please consider exhibiting and/or sponsoring the 2025 Midwest Conference. Your support allows the MCPGSA to continue offering high-quality and affordable training to problem gambling and substance abuse counselors and prevention specialists.

Thank you for your consideration. We look forward to a potential partnership!

MCPGSA Sponsorship Committee


Support providers in your state by sponsoring a scholarship. Your support will bring prospective attendees to the Conference and improve the quality of services in your state. Plus, with your sponsorship, you’ll have the opportunity to directly engage with these attendees through exhibit and networking opportunities.

Scholarship Sponsor

Premiere Scholarship Sponsor | $5,000+ 

Package Inclusions:


  • Announcement of sponsorship in email to Conference listserv
  • Logo recognition in emails to Conference listserv
  • Logo on Conference website
  • Recognition in Conference press release

At Conference: 

  • Exhibitor benefits (if desired and available)
  • Two conference registrations, including meals
  • Opportunity to include your promotional item in Conference tote bags
  • Advertisement in Conference literature
  • Logo on presentation screens between sessions and during lunches
  • Acknowledgment during Conference opening and closing speeches by MCPGSA President
  • Brief (2-3 minute) speaking opportunity to address Conference attendees (specific time to be determined in cooperation with Conference Committee)

Partner Scholarship Sponsor

Partner Scholarship Sponsor | $2,500-$4,999 

Package Inclusions:


  • Announcement of sponsorship in email to Conference listerv
  • Logo recognition in emails to Conference listerv
  • Logo on Conference website
  • Recognition in Conference press release

At Conference: 

  • Exhibitor benefits (if desired and available)
  • One Conference registration, including meals
  • Opportunity to include your promotional item in Conference tote bags
  • Logo in Conference literature
  • Logo on presentation screens between sessions and during lunches
  • Acknowledgment prior to during lunch by MCPGSA President


Keynote Sponsor

Keynote Sponsor | Price Varies (Six Available)

Package Inclusions:

The Midwest Conference routinely hosts experts within the fields of clinical treatment, research and addiction. Provide continuing education opportunities for hundreds of Conference attendees by sponsoring one of the Conference’s keynote presentations.


  • Announcement of keynote sponsorship in email announcing keynote presenter to Conference listerve
  • Logo recognition in emails to Conference listerve
  • Logo on Conference website
  • Recognition in Conference press release

At Conference: 

  • One Conference registration, including meals
  • Opportunity to include your promotional item in Conference tote bags
  • Logo in Conference literature
  • Logo on presentation screens between sessions and during lunches
  • Acknowledgment prior to keynote address by MCPGSA President


Provide Conference attendees with an opportunity to relax, replenish and rub elbows with other attendees through a networking sponsorship. With this sponsorship, you will be able to put your organization’s efforts in the hands of Conference attendees.

Dessert Reception Sponsor (After Conference Hours)

Package Inclusions: 

  • Exhibitor benefits (if desired and available)
  • Reception promoted on screens between sessions and during lunches, including logo display
  • Reception promoted in Conference literature, including logo display
  • Logo on Conference website
  • Placement of company materials on tables during dessert reception
  • Two Conference registration, including meals

Snack Break Sponsor | $2,500 (Three available)

Package Inclusions: 

  • Exhibitor benefits (if desired and available)
  • Logo displayed in exhibit hall and main ballroom during snack break
  • Placement of company materials on exhibit hall and main ballroom tables during snack break
  • Logo on Conference website, literature, and presentation screens between sessions and during lunches
  • One Conference registration, including meals


Leave an impression on Conference attendees by sponsoring a promotional item or service.  

Promotional Sponsor

Conference Tote Bag | $1,500 (One available)

Package Inclusions: 

  • Logo featured on 300 Conference bags alongside Conference date and logo
  • Logo on Conference website, literature, and presentation screens between sessions and during lunches

Notebooks and Pens Sponsor | $1,500 (One available)

Package Inclusions: 

  • Feature your logo on 300 notebooks and pens included in all Conference tote bags
  • Logo on Conference website, literature, and presentation screens between sessions and during lunches.

Wi-Fi Sponsor | $500 (One available)

Package Inclusions: 

  • Make your company’s name the Conference’s Wi-Fi password
  • Logo on Conference website, literature, and presentation screens between sessions and during lunches

Lanyard Sponsor | $400 (One available)

Package Inclusions: 

  • Feature your logo on 300 lanyards for name badges
  • Logo on Conference website, literature, and presentation screens between sessions and during lunches


Click Here to Exhibit / Sponsor

Exhibitor | $325 Non-Profit / For-Profit $450 (15 Available)

Represent your organization at the Conference as an exhibitor. Prepare to network with Conference attendees by distributing your organization’s literature and branded premium items.

Package Inclusions:

  • One skirted table, two chairs, one name badge and one meal package
  • Access to the Conference’s keynote addresses
  • Company logo on Conference literature and website
  • Company logo on presentation screens between sessions and during lunches
  • Breakfasts and snack breaks will be served in the exhibit hall to maximize interactions with attendees

Exhibit Hall Hours:

  • Exhibitor setup: 6:30 – 9 p.m. on Tuesday, June 17, & 6 – 8 a.m. on Wednesday, June 18
  • Exhibit hall open 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. from Wednesday, June 18, through Thursday, June 19; 8 a.m. to noon on Friday, June 20
  • Exhibit hall closes at noon on Friday, June 20

Additional Meal Package | $250

Includes three continental breakfasts, three snack breaks and two lunches

Deadline for all sponsorships is May 23, 2025.